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Online Controllers Flights to/from ZLA

Departures (7)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
CPA883 KLAX VHHH Enroute 1202
AFR27 KLAX LFPG Enroute 1701
GTI6524 KLAX EGNX Enroute 1741
DLH453 KLAX EDDM Enroute 1855
KLM220 KSMO KNFW Enroute 1212
CTN287 KLAX KDEN Enroute 2156
FIN2 KLAX EFHK Enroute 1600

Arrivals (10)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
QTR739 OTHH KLAX Enroute 2228
THY8MT LTFM KLAX Enroute 2138
JAL16 RJTT KLAX Enroute 2015
CAL6 RCTP KLAX Enroute 2259
FIN1 EFHK KLAX Enroute 0619
CKS285 VHHH KLAX Enroute 0125
BAW320 CYVR KLAX Enroute 2241
CPA55 KSEA KLAX Enroute 0005
CPA135 RJTT KLAX Enroute 1959
SAS931 EKCH KLAX Departing

Los Angeles (SoCal) 17

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
BAW9SW KSAN EGLL Enroute 2117

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
HAL38 PHOG KSAN Enroute 1914

San Diego (SoCal) 2

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
N15VJ KFLG KSNA Enroute 0617

Coast (SoCal) 1

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
ACL709 KORD KBUR Departing

Burbank (SoCal) 1

Departures (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
BAW4LV KLAS EGLL Enroute 0340
BAW274 KLAS EGLL Enroute 1152

Arrivals (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
BAW2MW EGLL KLAS Enroute 2356
SWA2586 KICT KLAS Enroute 2246

Las Vegas 4
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 25
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 8
  • Controller Schedule

    March 12th, 2025

    No sessions found for selected date

    Van Nuys Airport

    Van Nuys, CA

    General Aviation only, airport closed to air carrier ops, airport not FAR 139 certificated. All aircraft ops prohibited on former Air National Guard ramp without permission, Air National Guard concrete ramp located west of taxiway G south of taxiway 3 and west of Bull Creek flood control channel. Taxiway E closed between between taxiway 4 and taxiway 5. Taxiway 7 is closed between rwy 16L-34R and taxiway E. Turbulence may be deflected upward from the blast fence located 115' north of Rwy 16R 185' west of centerline. Rwy 16R closed left traffic when tower closed. Extreme noise sensitive area. Noise Ordinance Curfew: No takeoff for aircraft exceeding 74 DMA between 0600-1500Z, except military, mercy flights and law enforcement aircraft. Weight restrictions exist on taxiway E. Helicopters contact tower for app-dep routes. Helicopters are authorized to operate in and out of individual FBO with clearance from tower. No public ramp.

    VFR Pattern Information

    • 16L: Pattern Altitude 1800ft | Left Traffic
    • 16R: Pattern Altitude 2000ft | Right Traffic
    • 34L: Pattern Altitude 2000ft | Left Traffic
    • 34R: Pattern Altitude 1800ft | Right Traffic


    • Rwys 16L, 16R: climbing left turn on heading 050° and VNY R-095 to DARTS INT, thence;
    • Rwys 34L, 34R: climbing right turn on heading 140° and VNY R-095 to DARTS INT, thence;

    ... Aircraft eastbound on V186 and southeast bound on V459 climb on course, all others climb in DARTS holding Pattern (hold W, right turns, 095° inbound) to depart DARTS INT at or above 7100.

    Identifier: KVNY
    Airspace: Class D
    Airport Diagram: KVNY
    Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs)
    CANOGA THREE (Page 1) Northwest departures via FIM, GMN, and AVE
    HAYEZ NINE (RNAV) (Page 1) RNAV RNAV departure to DAG, FIM, GMN, PMD.
    NEWHALL ONE (Page 1) Northeast departures via PMD and DAG
    Instrument Approach Procedures (IAPs)
    ILS Y RWY 16R
    ILS Z RWY 16R