When large (defined in .65 Appendix A) turbine aircraft (jet or turboprop) depart or arrive at the primary class B airport, they should be routed and assigned altitudes such that they do not operate below the floor of the class B airspace. The lateral and vertical limits of each class B airspace area are available in the sector file (see the sector file documentation for details). Once these aircraft enter the class B airspace, they should remain in it; if you need to vector an aircraft out of the class B and back in, inform it when entering and departing the class B airspace.
{Reference: 7110.65 7-9-3 “Methods”}
Note that this section only applies to operations to and from the primary class B airport (in ZLA we have five primary class B airports, LAX, SAN, LAS, NKX, and LSV). Operations from satellite airports need not comply with these restrictions; for example, an aircraft arriving or departing SMO may be vectored inside or outside the class B airspace at the controller’s discretion even though it will operate below the LAX class B airspace. Keep in mind that aircraft operating below the class B airspace are restricted to 200 knots.