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Flights to/from ZLA

Departures (3)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SAS932 KLAX EKCH Enroute 1716
DLH453 KLAX EDDM Enroute 1654
BOX411 KLAX EDDF Enroute 1728

Arrivals (11)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
GTI361 RJAA KLAX Enroute 2126
DAL292 RJTT KLAX Enroute 2139
PAL102 RPLL KLAX Enroute 2243
BAW21B EGLL KLAX Enroute 0354
DLH456 EDDF KLAX Enroute 0301
AAL310 YSSY KLAX Enroute 1942
AAL72 YSSY KLAX Enroute 1945
SWR40 LSZH KLAX Departing
FDX511 MMMX KLAX Enroute 2034
AAL1315 KSFO KLAX Enroute 2020
AAL638 KSFO KLAX Enroute 1600

Los Angeles (SoCal) 14

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DLH1337 KSAN LKPR Enroute 1822

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
ASA898 PHNL KSAN Enroute 2225

San Diego (SoCal) 2

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
BAW62A KLAS EGLL Enroute 2102

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DCM1 KPIE KLAS Departing

Las Vegas 2
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 18
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 4
  • Controller Schedule

    December 11th, 2024

    No sessions found for selected date

    Torrance / Zamperini Field

    Torrance, CA

    Certain turbojet aircraft permanently excluded due to noise abatement procedures. Touch and go landings and stop and go landing and low approach operations limited 1600-0400Z weekdays and 1800-0100Z Saturday only.

    Airport CLOSED to departure 0600-1500Z weekdays and 0600-1600Z weekends and holidays.

    No multi-engine simulated engine-out procedures authorized in traffic pattern.

    Taxiways cross approach zone both ends Rwy 11R-29L observe taxi hold lines.

    Obstacle Departure Procedure:

    • Rwys 29L, 29R, climb runway heading.
    • Rwys 11L, 11R, climbing left turn to heading 290.

    ...Both departures climb to 3000, intercept LAX R-170 to LIMBO Int.

    Identifier: KTOA
    Airspace: Class D
    Airport Diagram: KTOA
    Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs)
    Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs)