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Online Controllers Flights to/from ZLA

Departures (14)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AFR23U KLAX LFPG Enroute 1004
ANZ5 KLAX NZAA Enroute 1357
AAL262 KLAX NZAA Enroute 1401
BAW268 KLAX EGLL Enroute 1100
AFR23K KLAX LFPG Enroute 1401
AAL39 KLAX NZAA Enroute 1343
UAE491 KLAX OMDB Enroute 2052
TGW180 KLAX RJBB Enroute 1824
PAL103 KLAX RPLL Enroute 1953
AM0924 KLAX MMMX Enroute 1012
ELY006 KLAX LLBG Enroute 2044
DAL71 KLAX KSAN Enroute 1600
TAM8087 KLAX SBGR Enroute 1600
UAL642 KLAX NZAA Enroute 1600

Arrivals (15)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AAL72 YSSY KLAX Enroute 1331
UAL16 EGCC KLAX Enroute 1823
DAL185 LIMC KLAX Enroute 2146
DAL291 LFPG KLAX Enroute 2050
DAL500 KATL KLAX Enroute 1743
UAL99 YMML KLAX Enroute 1434
TF1 KAUS KLAX Enroute 1652
AAL2520 NZAA KLAX Enroute 1302
SIA36 WSSS KLAX Enroute 1645
DAL2861 KSEA KLAX Enroute 1845
HAL004 PHNL KLAX Enroute 1614
UAE216 OMDB KLAX Enroute 0908
ANZ6 NZAA KLAX Enroute 1529
BAW7DA EGLL KLAX Enroute 1648
DAL105 KSAN KLAX Enroute 1600

Los Angeles (SoCal) 29

Arrivals (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SWA1067 KOAK KONT Enroute 1123
DAL417 KSAN KONT Enroute 2236

Empire (SoCal) 2

Departures (5)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
CFG220 KSAN EDDF Enroute 0935
SWA511 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1131
ASA2022 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1737
DAL417 KSAN KONT Enroute 2236
DAL105 KSAN KLAX Enroute 1600

Arrivals (3)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
N15CL KSEA KSAN Enroute 1654
GTI517 CYVR KSAN Enroute 1608
DAL71 KLAX KSAN Enroute 1600

San Diego (SoCal) 8

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
UAL416 KSNA KSFO Enroute 1958

Arrivals (3)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
N9PC KLAS KSNA Enroute 1117
SWA735 KPHX KLGB Enroute 1048
SWA1389 KSGU KSNA Enroute 1909

Coast (SoCal) 4

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
N9PC KLAS KSNA Enroute 1117

Arrivals (4)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SWA511 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1131
BAW271 EGLL KLAS Enroute 0030
EJA301 KCOS KLAS Enroute 1658
ASA2022 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1737

Las Vegas 5

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SWA1389 KSGU KSNA Enroute 1909

Other 1
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 49
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 13
  • Controller Schedule

    February 21st, 2025

    Las Vegas Approach
    Mohammad Mirza

    Session with TY

    1700 - 1830 PST / 0100 - 0230 Zulu

    Socal Approach (Combined)
    Ryan Kompare

    Friday night SoCal staff up

    1700 - 1900 PST / 0100 - 0300 Zulu

    Los Angeles Tower
    Oliver Klopp

    Friday night SoCal Staffup. Splitting cab with LL.

    1700 - 1900 PST / 0100 - 0300 Zulu

    Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Los Angeles ARTCC collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the https://laartcc.org website ("Site").

    Personal identification information

    We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities.

    Non-personal identification information

    We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.

    Web browser cookies

    Our Site may use "cookies" to enhance User experience. User's web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly.

    How we use collected information

    Los Angeles ARTCC may collect and use Users personal information for the following purposes:

    • To run and operate our Site
      We may need your information display content on the Site correctly.
    • To personalize user experience
      We may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided on our Site.
    • To send periodic emails
      We may use the email address to send User information and updates pertaining to their account or the Site. It may also be used to respond to their inquiries, questions, and/or other requests.

    How we protect your information

    We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, and data stored on our Site.

    Sharing your personal information

    We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners and trusted affiliates for the purposes outlined above.

    Compliance with children's online privacy protection act (COPPA)

    Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information on our Site from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.

    Changes to this privacy policy

    Los Angeles ARTCC has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will post a notification on the main page of our Site. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

    Your acceptance of these terms

    By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

    Contacting us

    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us.

    This document was last updated on March 09, 2018