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Online Controllers Flights to/from ZLA

Departures (20)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
IVY7F KLAX RJTT Enroute 0733
SAS1018 KLAX EKCH Enroute 0629
GEC538 KLAX YBBN Enroute 1348
UAL1680 KLAX KIAH Arriving
FDX3889 KLAX PANC Enroute 1910
SIA7413 KLAX PHNL Enroute 0952
ACA095 KLAX CYUL Enroute 0455
DAL476 KLAX CYUL Enroute 0456
AMX647 KLAX MMMX Enroute 0433
FDX543 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1025
BAW1222 KLAX KPHX Enroute 0053
DLH457 KLAX EDDF Enroute 1131
DAL708 KLAX KDTW Enroute 0523
AAL73 KLAX YSSY Enroute 1600
AAL9854 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1422
AAL211 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1037
SWA4298 KLAX KDEN Enroute 1823
AAL1188 KLAX KSFO Enroute 0610
DAL506 KLAX KMEM Enroute 1600
DLR44 KLAX KSMF Enroute 1600

Arrivals (29)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
UAE83M OMDB KLAX Enroute 2116
QTR740 OTHH KLAX Enroute 2021
DAL108 CYYZ KLAX Enroute 1300
DAL898 KATL KLAX Enroute 1355
DAL92 YBBN KLAX Enroute 1050
DCM99 PANC KLAX Enroute 1306
CLX27Q ELLX KLAX Enroute 1900
DAL8949 KMDW KLAX Enroute 1737
GTI8679 PANC KLAX Enroute 1154
SAS931 EKCH KLAX Enroute 1910
UAE77 KIAH KLAX Enroute 1212
DAL4057 KPHX KLAX Enroute 1553
DAL2769 KSEA KLAX Enroute 1202
EIN6 KLAS KLAX Enroute 0247
DAL68 NZAA KLAX Departing
BAW1260 KTUS KLAX Enroute 1601
AAL767 KPHX KLAX Enroute 1445
AAL465 KLAS KLAX Enroute 0042
DAL815 KLAS KLAX Enroute 1753
AAL1125 KDFW KLAX Enroute 1419
SWA392 KPHX KLAX Enroute 1400
SWA2057 KPHX KLAX Enroute 1336
AAL72 YSSY KLAX Departing
N316MS KLAS KLAX Enroute 2157
UAL842 YSSY KLAX Departing
AAL739 KLAS KLAX Enroute 1424
AAL406 KLAS KLAX Enroute 1503
FFT4594 KSFO KLAX Enroute 1600
NKS222 KSAN KLAX Enroute 1600

Los Angeles (SoCal) 49

Departures (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
UPS1267 KONT KDFW Enroute 0409
AAL1662 KONT KPHX Enroute 1129

Empire (SoCal) 2

Departures (7)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL534 KSAN KJFK Arriving
DAL754 KSAN KDTW Arriving
FFT1824 KSAN KPHX Enroute 1709
AAL2122 KSAN KPHX Enroute 1140
SWA2203 KSAN KPHX Enroute 1600
NKS222 KSAN KLAX Enroute 1600
DAL523 KSAN KSFO Enroute 1600

Arrivals (4)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
WAT1942 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1600
SWA1304 KPHX KSAN Enroute 2144
DAL76 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1246
SWA3550 KPHX KSAN Enroute 1339

San Diego (SoCal) 11

Arrivals (4)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
HAL70 PHNL KLGB Enroute 1129
SWA597 KSMF KLGB Enroute 1600
SWA142 KOAK KLGB Enroute 1600
DAL210 KSMF KLGB Enroute 2142

Coast (SoCal) 4

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SMX1661 KELP KBUR Enroute 1334

Burbank (SoCal) 1

Arrivals (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
WJA1486 CYEG KPSP Enroute 1316
AAL2709 KDFW KPSP Departing

Palm Springs (SoCal) 2

Departures (16)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SWA1030 KLAS KSEA Enroute 1700
ACA1061 KLAS CYVR Enroute 1633
WAT1942 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1600
DAL568 KLAS KMSP Enroute 1600
EIN6 KLAS KLAX Enroute 0247
UAL2111 KLAS KDEN Enroute 1129
AAL465 KLAS KLAX Enroute 0042
DAL76 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1246
DAL815 KLAS KLAX Enroute 1753
N4469W KHND KVGT Enroute 0335
NKS479 KLAS KSMF Enroute 1751
N316MS KLAS KLAX Enroute 2157
SWA3404 KLAS KDEN Enroute 1600
AAL739 KLAS KLAX Enroute 1424
SWA3062 KLAS KSFO Enroute 1600
AAL406 KLAS KLAX Enroute 1503

Arrivals (8)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL381 KMIA KLAS Enroute 1135
SWA551 KSEA KLAS Enroute 1213
FDX543 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1025
AAL9854 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1422
AAL211 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1037
N4469W KHND KVGT Enroute 0335
AAY38 KGFK KLAS Departing
AAY517 KFAT KLAS Enroute 1600

Las Vegas 24
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 93
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 44
  • Controller Schedule

    March 6th, 2025

    Lindbergh Tower
    Anthony Ferrando

    Session with AT

    1600 - 1730 PST / 0000 - 0130 Zulu

    Los Angeles Tower
    Mark Mangrich

    Session with RK

    1630 - 1800 PST / 0030 - 0200 Zulu

    Las Vegas Approach
    Brian Knight

    Session with CH

    1730 - 1900 PST / 0130 - 0300 Zulu

    Los Angeles Tower
    Ricky Zhang

    Session with BY

    1900 - 2030 PST / 0300 - 0430 Zulu

    Understanding SOCAL (SCT) Airspace

    Understanding SoCal Airspace

    The Southern California TRACON (abbreviated SoCal) is one of the world’s busiest TRACONs and serves more than 20 airports. You can find controllers from ZLA opening this facility on the network under the callsign SCT_APP. This means that they are covering the entire TRACON and, where there are no ground or tower controllers online, they are also providing top-down services. This means that with just one controller, you will have full ATC coverage within the TRACON airspace.

    Now, what are the boundaries of the SoCal TRACON? As everyone knows, VATSPY, VATTASTIC, etc. just visualize TRACONs as circles around the main airport (KLAX for SCT), but this is not always the case. 

    The SoCal TRACON airspace extends from Burbank to the northwest, Palm Springs to the east and San Diego to the South. Below you have an image that displays the TRACON boundaries with referenced airports and VORs.



    As you can see, the TRACON covers a large portion of airspace. Whenever you are inside the sectors contained within the gray bold lines, and SCT_APP is online, you should contact the controller prior to any activity if you’re at a towered airport (class B, C and D). 

    If you’re inside the airspace but in a non-towered airport, and you would like to fly IFR, you can either contact the controller for IFR clearance on the ground or after you’re airborne. If you’re flying VFR and do not want flight following, just fly making sure you are remaining outside of any class B, C and D airspace. Otherwise, you need to contact ATC to transit through class B, C and D airspace. 

    Pro tip: even though it is not required, flight following is always encouraged in order to start practicing ATC communications and be aware of traffic around you.

    As a general guideline, whenever you’re in doubt about operations or anything, always ask ATC first. VATSIM is an environment where everyone should learn something new every day and the controllers can help you enjoy this experience.