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Departures (17)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL41 KLAX YBBN Enroute 0515
CPA888 KLAX ZBAA Enroute 0543
HAL82 KLAX PHNL Enroute 0819
SWR311 KLAX LSZH Enroute 0245
AAL27 KLAX RJTT Enroute 0452
BAW74 KLAX EGLL Enroute 0258
DAL476 KLAX KDEN Enroute 1815
VIR24M KLAX EGLL Enroute 1041
FJI2359 KLAX NFFN Enroute 1145
SWA3168 KLAX KDEN Enroute 1520
UAL408 KLAX KDEN Enroute 1600
VOI3701 KLAX KSAN Enroute 1600
UAL1881 KLAX KSFO Enroute 1804
UAE216 KLAX OMDB Enroute 1629
DAL2975 KLAX KPDX Enroute 1150
GTI217 KLAX RKSI Enroute 0256
AAL3217 KLAX KSFO Enroute 0920

Arrivals (20)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
CPA880 VHHH KLAX Enroute 1058
UAL312 KEWR KLAX Enroute 1318
UAL77A EDDM KLAX Enroute 1709
NKS317 KIAH KLAX Enroute 1600
NGF641 KONM KSMO Enroute 0228
AAL2400 KDFW KLAX Enroute 1034
DAL2459 KPDX KLAX Enroute 1559
SWA1513 KTUS KLAX Enroute 1356
DAL1854 KDEN KLAX Enroute 1119
AAL3186 PHLI KLAX Enroute 1632
VIR66 KSLC KLAX Enroute 1053
UAL1843 KPHX KLAX Enroute 1618
CPA204 KSLC KLAX Enroute 1055
ACA552 CYVR KLAX Enroute 1305
DAL64 NZAA KLAX Enroute 0857
DAL1996 RJTT KLAX Enroute 0449
DAL393 KCVG KLAX Enroute 1600
WJA1510 CYYC KLAX Enroute 1527
N313TR KSFO KLAX Enroute 1600
DLH205 CYEG KLAX Enroute 1600

Los Angeles (SoCal) 37

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SWA732 KONT KPHX Enroute 1339

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
UPS217 KDEN KONT Enroute 1114

Empire (SoCal) 2

Departures (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DCM442 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1600
DAL1210 KSAN KSLC Enroute 2205

Arrivals (8)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AAL384 KDFW KSAN Enroute 1103
VOI3701 KLAX KSAN Enroute 1600
DAL843 KATL KSAN Enroute 1213
NKS1022 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1818
AAL20M KLAS KSAN Enroute 1216
SWA2615 KABQ KSAN Enroute 1133
NKS2907 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1600
FFT242 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1600

San Diego (SoCal) 10

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
ASA1191 KSNA KSEA Enroute 1725

Arrivals (3)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AAL2462 KORD KSNA Enroute 1118
AAL2503 KCLT KSNA Enroute 1200
MXY604 KPVU KSNA Enroute 1157

Coast (SoCal) 4

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SWA3840 KBUR KBOI Enroute 1600

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SPJ260 KIXD KVNY Enroute 1510

Burbank (SoCal) 2

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
WJA1485 KPSP CYEG Enroute 1601

Palm Springs (SoCal) 1

Departures (7)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
NKS1022 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1818
AAY1042 KLAS KDEN Enroute 1212
AAL20M KLAS KSAN Enroute 1216
DAL4207 KLAS KDEN Enroute 1147
NKS2907 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1600
SWA1613 KLAS KABQ Enroute 1600
FFT242 KLAS KSAN Enroute 1600

Arrivals (10)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
BAW285 EGLL KLAS Enroute 1253
VIR7GX EGLL KLAS Enroute 1741
BAW2MW EGLL KLAS Enroute 1656
BAW2MX EGLL KLAS Enroute 1710
DCM442 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1600
DAL6 KDEN KLAS Enroute 1116
DAL1776 KBNA KLAS Enroute 1916
SWA1104 KOAK KLAS Enroute 1156
HOG12 KLSV KLAS Enroute 1318
AAL2537 KPHX KLAS Enroute 2200

Las Vegas 17

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
HOG12 KLSV KLAS Enroute 1318

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
ZIRCN11 KLSV KLSV Enroute 1600

Nellis 2

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
UAL5259 KSFO KSBA Enroute 2307

Santa Barbara 1

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
N4469W KBFL Enroute 0351

Bakersfield 1
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 77
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 30
  • Controller Schedule

    March 25th, 2025

    Van Nuys Tower
    Matthew Goldsmith


    1100 - 1200 PDT / 1800 - 1900 Zulu

    Diverse Vector Areas

    2024-04-01 2.22 Facility Advisory Board

    ZLA Diverse Vector Area Policy

    This policy establishes criteria for issuing headings below the applicable minimum vectoring altitude (MVA) to departures and missed approaches from certain ZLA airports.


    2.00 Updated all SCT airports with most recently available DVAs. Updated policy organization by TRACON.





    In most cases, aircraft must be at an altitude at or above the MVA for the controller to assign a heading. The only exception to this rule for IFR aircraft is covered by 7110.65 5-6-3. It provides that "diverse vector areas" (term defined by the pilot/controller glossary) may be established to permit the assignment of headings to departures operating below the MVA. Each airport included in this policy has been evaluated for acceptable departure headings. The headings provide clearance from obstacles to accommodate unfavorable crosswinds and give a margin of error for pilots.

    The FAA has published a document titled "United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures" (TERPS). This document covers all aspects of instrument approaches and departures. The TERPS require that pilots climb at a minimum of 200' per nautical mile; pilots are informed of this requirement in AIM 5-2-7.

    A few of the airports below have takeoff minimums associated with them in order to use the DVA heading provided. These takeoff minimums are established because of obstacles close to the runway that the pilot will be expected to see and avoid. If the ceiling or visibility is reported as less than the takeoff minimums, use of the DVA headings off that runway are not authorized.


    IFR departures or missed approaches may be issued any heading in the allowable ranges below. The headings assume that the shortest direction of turn will be assigned; a pilot may not be issued an instruction that will require a turn greater than 180 degrees after takeoff.

    If an aircraft has been assigned an appropriate DVA heading initially, it may subsequently be issued any other heading within that same range while below the MVA

    Some runways will have multiple ranges of headings established. In that case, pilots assigned a heading from one range, may not be assigned a heading from another range until above the MVA. For example, KEDW has two ranges assigned: RWY 22L/R 190 clockwise to 240 and LEFT turn heading 050 to 110. An aircraft departing RWY 22L/R may be assigned heading 190, but then may not be assigned a left turn to 050 until above the MVA.

    Pilots may depart in one MVA area and subsequently enter a higher MVA area. This is permissible as the headings have been evaluated for obstacle avoidance. The pilot must be above the appropriate MVA prior to assigning a heading outside the DVA range, however. Also, the pilot must always be assigned an altitude at or above the MVA for his position.

    Pilots may also be assigned a direct routing to any fix if the direct track from the departure end of the runway to that fix falls in the heading ranges set forth below.

    If an airport or runway is not included in the list below, headings may not be assigned to departures or missed approaches.

    The following headings are approved for all departures and missed approaches:


    Bakersfield ATC Tower/TRACON (KBFL)

    KBFL - Bakersfield:

    RWY 12L/R 230 clockwise to 300
    RWY 30L/R 220 clockwise to 310

    Joshua Control Facility (JCF)

    KEDW - Edwards AFB:
    RWY 04L/R 340 clockwise to 110
    RWY 22L/R 90 clockwise to 240; LEFT TURN heading 050 through 110
    Lakebed RWYS 360 clockwise to 090; 200 clockwise to 230
    KPMD - Palmdale:
    ALL RWYS 360 clockwise to 080
    KVCV - Victorville:
    RWY 3 250 clockwise to 350
    RWY 17 RIGHT TURN heading 250 clockwise to 350
    RWY 21 250 clockwise to 350
    RWY 35 250 clockwise to 350

    Las Vegas ATC Tower/TRACON (KLAS/L30)

    KHND - Henderson:
    RWY 17 L/R RIGHT TURN heading 350 to 020
    RWY 35L/R 010 clockwise through 050
    KLAS - Las Vegas:
    RWY 01L/R 010 clockwise to 070; 315 with T/O min. of 1100’/3SM
    RWY 07L/R 010 clockwise to 130
    RWY 19L/R 160 clockwise to 220
    RWY 26L/R 160 clockwise to 190; or RIGHT TURN heading 315; or RIGHT TURN heading 050 clockwise to 070
    KVGT - North Las Vegas:
    RWY 07 040 clockwise to 070; 110 clockwise to 160
    RWY 12L/R 040 clockwise to 050; 090 clockwise to 180 with T/O min. 1000’/3SM
    RWY 25 050 clockwise to 220
    RWY 30L/R 070 clockwise to 170

    Nellis AFB ATC Tower/TRACON (KLSV)

    KLSV - Nellis:
    RWY 03L/R heading 040
    RWY 21L/R heading 190

    Point Mugu NAS (KNTD)

    KNTD - Point Mugu NAS:
    RWY 03 LEFT TURN heading 210 clockwise to 270
    RWY 21 120 clockwise to 280   
    RWY 27 120 clockwise to 280
    KOXR - Oxnard:
    RWY 07 RIGHT TURN heading 160 clockwise to 250
    RWY 25 140 clockwise to 270

    Santa Barbara ATC Tower/TRACON (SBA)

    KSBA - Santa Barbara:
    RWY 07 090 clockwise to 220
    RWY 15L/R 090 clockwise to 261
    RWY 25 089 clockwise to 271
    KSBP - San Luis Obispo:
    RWY 07 130 clockwise to 220
    RWY 11 120 clockwise to 220
    KSMX - Santa Maria:
    RWY 02 280 clockwise to 330
    RWY 12 LEFT TURN heading 300 clockwise 330
    RWY 20 290 clockwise to 350
    RWY 30 280 clockwise to 340

    Southern California TRACON (SCT)

    KBUR - Bob Hope:
    RWY 08 130 clockwise to 230 within 14NM
    RWY 15 180 clockwise to 270 within 13NM
    RWY 26 240 clockwise to 300 within 14NM
    RWY 33 250 clockwise to 300 within 12NM
    KCNO - Chino:
    RWY 03 LEFT TURN 260 within 13NM
    RWY 8L/R RIGHT TURN 255 within 13NM
    RWY 21 260 within 13NM
    RWY 26L/R 260 clockwise to 290 within 13NM
    KCRQ - Palomar:
    RWY 24 114 clockwise to 009 within 11NM
    KEMT - El Monte:
    RWY 19 190 clockwise to 264 within 14NM
    KFUL - Fullerton:
    RWY 24 063 clockwise to 242 within 10NM
    KHHR - Hawthorne:
    RWY 07 070 clockwise to 180 within 14NM
    RWY 25 180 clockwise to 250 within 14NM
    KLAX - Los Angeles:
    RWY 06L/R 035 clockwise to 210 within 13NM
    RWY 07L/R 325 clockwise to 210 within 13NM
    RWY 24L/R 120 clockwise to 265 within 13NM; 265 clockwise to 280 within 8NM
    RWY 25L/R 120 clockwise to 265 within 13NM; 265 clockwise to 280 within 8NM
    KLGB - Long Beach:
    RWY 08L/R ALL HEADINGS within 14NM
    RWY 12 301 clockwise to 158 within 14NM
    RWY 26L/R ALL HEADINGS within 13NM
    RWY 30 ALL HEADINGS within 14NM
    KMYF - Montgomery:
    RWY 10L/R 143 clockwise to 280 within 10NM
    RWY 23 099 clockwise to 050 within 10NM
    RWY 28L/R 131 clockwise to 056 within 10NM
    KNKX - Miramar MCAS:
    RWY 24L/R 150 clockwise to 330
    RWY 28 heading 150 clockwise to 330
    KONT - Ontario:
    RWY 8L/R 065 clockwise to 257 within 11NM
    RWY 26L/R 110 clockwise to 270 within 9NM
    KPOC - Brackett:
    RWY 8L/R 100 clockwise to 259 within 11NM
    KPSP - Palm Springs:
    RWY 13L/R 080 clockwise to 110 within 15NM
    RWY 31L/R 350 clockwise to 090 within 15NM
    KRAL - Riverside:
    RWY 27 285 within 12NM
    KRIV - March Air Reserve Base:
    RWY 14 150 clockwise to 160
    RWY 32 LEFT TURN heading 135 to 150
    KSAN - San Diego:
    RWY 27 113 clockwise to 063 within 12NM
    KSBD - San Bernardino:
    RWY 24 250 within 14NM
    KSDM - Brown:
    RWY 26R 280 clockwise to 329 within 11NM
    KSEE - Gillespie:
    RWY 27L/R 320 within 15NM
    RWY 35 320 within 15NM
    KSLI - Los Alamitos:
    RWY 04L/R ALL HEADINGS within 15NM
    RWY 22L/R ALL HEADINGS within 15NM
    KSMO - Santa Monica:
    RWY 03 060 clockwise to 210 within 13NM
    RWY 21 046 clockwise to 270 within 14NM
    KSNA - John Wayne:
    RWY 02L/R 196 clockwise to 005 within 11NM
    RWY 20L/R 168 clockwise to 011 within 11NM
    KTOA - Torrance:
    RWY 29L 279 clockwise to 114 within 11NM
    RWY 29R 280 clockwise to 114 within 11NM
    KVNY - Van Nuys:
    RWY 16L 110 clockwise to 210 within 13NM
    RWY 16R 110 clockwise to 210 within 13NM

    Yuma MCAS (KNYL)

    Yuma MCAS/Intl.:
    ALL RWYS Any heading so long as the aircraft does not enter the 17,000 MVA area north of the airport while below that MVA