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Departures (10)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SVA42 KLAX OEJN Enroute 1503
VCP287F KLAX RJTT Enroute 1833
AAL9714 KLAX VHHH Enroute 2200
BAW62A KLAX EGLL Enroute 1623
VIR401 KLAX EGLL Enroute 2211
UAL801 KLAX VHHH Enroute 0042
SWA535 KLAX KSFO Enroute 0017
DAL1356 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1600
NKS468 KLAX KSJC Enroute 1600
FFT3307 KLAX KSFO Enroute 1600

Arrivals (14)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AFR390 LFPG KLAX Enroute 0707
JBU1723 KJFK KLAX Enroute 0019
JBU2223 KJFK KLAX Enroute 2341
DLH452 EDDM KLAX Enroute 1253
FDX3951 KEWR KLAX Enroute 0010
AAL1986 KDCA KLAX Enroute 0008
DLH455 EDDM KLAX Enroute 1005
DAL575 KATL KLAX Enroute 0201
FDX178 KMIA KLAX Enroute 2346
ANZ6 NZAA KLAX Enroute 2152
UAL220 KORD KLAX Departing
THY9 LTFM KLAX Enroute 1600
MSR182 KJFK KLAX Departing
GEC8074 EDDF KLAX Departing

Los Angeles (SoCal) 24

Departures (3)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL541 KSAN KJFK Enroute 1746
DAL729 KSAN KATL Enroute 1854
FDX1839 KSAN KOAK Enroute 1600

Arrivals (3)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL899 KJFK KSAN Enroute 0120
UAL705 EHAM KSAN Enroute 0624
FFT876 KPHX KSAN Enroute 1600

San Diego (SoCal) 6

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
ACL1141 KSNA KORD Enroute 1600

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
FDX131 KPDX KSNA Enroute 2332

Coast (SoCal) 2

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
VXP111 KBUR KMFR Enroute 1946

Burbank (SoCal) 1

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AAL2880 KORD KPSP Enroute 0132

Palm Springs (SoCal) 1

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL1672 KLAS KSLC Enroute 1504

Arrivals (6)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
NKS2 KMKE KLAS Enroute 1745
EAG721 KPDX KLAS Enroute 1446
DAL2261 KMSP KLAS Enroute 0208
NKS1068 KSEA KLAS Enroute 1600
DAL3479 KDEN KLAS Enroute 0049
DAL1356 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1600

Las Vegas 7
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 41
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 14
  • Controller Schedule

    December 21st, 2024

    Socal Approach (West)
    Jovan Brooks

    Session with NC

    1800 - 1930 PST / 0200 - 0330 Zulu

    VFR Operations

    2024-12-16 2.10 Facility Advisory Board

    Los Angeles ARTCC VFR Operations

    Introduction and Purpose

    This document is standard operating procedure for VFR operations throughout ZLA. Refer to VFR Clearances section of the STM for more information on VFR departures.

    Facility SOPs may conflict. In the event of a conflict, follow the facility SOP.

    VFR Radar Services

    Radar services are always provided for aircraft operating within Class C and Class B airspace. (7110.65 7-8-2, 7-9-2.)

    Radar services for aircraft outside of Class C or Class B airspace are provided on a workload-permitting basis. (7110.65 7-8-2, 7-9-2.)

    The pilot may request radar service termination once outside of Class C or Class B airspace. ATC may terminate radar service if workload precludes providing radar services outside of Class C or B airspace.

    Radar services for aircraft operating within a TRSA are optional for pilots. When requested, provide TRSA radar service per 7110.65 7-7. ATC may terminate radar service once the aircraft leaves the TRSA (7110.65 7-7-7).

    Flight Plans

    Real-world VFR flight plans in the United States are not transmitted to air traffic control. They are sent to flight service stations for search and rescue purposes. VATSIM does allow pilots to file VFR fight plans; however, only filed remarks are retained in CRC.

    Therefore, when aircraft are to receive flight following, ATC must ask the pilot for the aircraft type and any other information required by this SOP.

    Aircraft not receiving flight following should not have a flight plan completed.

    If a pilot departing a Class C or Class B airport declines flight following on the ground, note "negative radar service" in the flight plan remarks. The pilot must still receive instructions as noted in this SOP. The radar controller will terminate radar service once the aircraft is outside of Class C or Class B airspace.

    Class D Airports

    • Flight Following: Aircraft departing Class D airports receive following only on pilot request. If flight following is requested by the pilot, use Class C procedures.
    • Flight Plan: No flight plan.
    • Clearance: There are no VFR instructions or clearances given by ground control. Pilots should call ground control stating direction of flight and ready to taxi with the current ATIS information.

    Class C Airports

    • Flight Following: Aircraft departing Class C airports receive flight following by default. It is required for all VFR departures while inside Class C airspace.
    • Flight Plan:
      • Aircraft type
      • Departure and arrival airports (The arrival airport is not necessary if the pilot will cancel once leaving the airspace.)
      • VFR cruise altitude
      • Discrete beacon code (squawk)
    • Clearance: Provide departure frequency and squawk. Include initial heading and/or altitude as required by SOP.
    • Notes: If the pilot does not want flight following, add "negative radar service" in the remarks. This will inform the radar controller to terminate radar service once the aircraft is outside of Class C airspace.
    Class B Airports
    • Flight Following: Aircraft departing Class B airports receive flight following by default. It is required for all VFR departures while in Class B airspace.
    • Flight Plan:
      • Aircraft type
      • Departure and arrival airports (The arrival airport is not necessary if the pilot will cancel once leaving the airspace.)
      • VFR cruise altitude
      • Discrete beacon code (squawk)
    • Clearance: Provide bravo clearance, departure frequency and squawk. Include initial heading and/or altitude as required by SOP.
    • Notes: If the pilot does not want flight following, add "negative radar service" in the remarks. This will inform the radar controller to terminate radar service once the aircraft is outside of Class B airspace.

    Class D Airports within a TRSA (PSP)

    • Flight Following: Optional - All VFR departures from PSP receive flight following unless the pilot declines (7110.65 7-7-7).
      • For all VFR aircraft departing PSP, use Class C procedures.
      • If the pilot declines, use Class D procedures.
    Closed Traffic at Class C or D Airports
    • Pilots should call requesting closed traffic and ready to taxi. No clearance is provided, only taxi instructions. No FP is used or filed. Pilots shall squawk VFR (1200) in the pattern by default.
    Closed Traffic at Class B Airports
    • Aircraft should be cleared to enter bravo airspace and assigned a squawk. After readback is correct, they should call when ready to taxi.
      • Example: "Cleared to enter San Diego Bravo airspace. Squawk 1234."
    • The flight plan for Class B closed traffic should only have aircraft type, a voice tag, and "VFR" in the altitude field. Avoid adding extra information.

    Example VFR Flight Plan for Flight Following


    VFR Practice Approaches

    • Class B, Class C, and TRSA Procedures:
      • Standard VFR separation services are provided.
      • Clear VFR aircraft using appropriate approach clearance phraseology except replace altitude assignment with "MAINTAIN VFR."
      • SCT and L30 TRACONs shall use these procedures.
    • Class D, E, and G Procedures:
      • No separation services are provided.
    • Missed approaches are not automatically authorized for VFR aircraft. (7110.65 4-8-11)
      • Prior to approach clearance or approval, the radar controller should ask the pilot to advise intentions. Example: "N123SP, how will this approach terminate?"