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Online Controllers Flights to/from ZLA

Departures (11)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
SVA42 KLAX OEJN Enroute 1508
VCP287F KLAX RJTT Enroute 1832
AAL9714 KLAX VHHH Enroute 2202
BAW62A KLAX EGLL Enroute 1625
VIR401 KLAX EGLL Enroute 2214
UAL801 KLAX VHHH Enroute 0018
SWA535 KLAX KSFO Enroute 0306
DAL1356 KLAX KLAS Enroute 0031
NKS468 KLAX KSJC Enroute 0601
FFT3307 KLAX KSFO Enroute 1600
DAL1660 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1600

Arrivals (15)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AFR390 LFPG KLAX Enroute 0702
JBU1723 KJFK KLAX Enroute 0035
JBU2223 KJFK KLAX Enroute 0016
DLH452 EDDM KLAX Enroute 1214
FDX3951 KEWR KLAX Enroute 0040
AAL1986 KDCA KLAX Enroute 0029
DLH455 EDDM KLAX Enroute 0947
DAL575 KATL KLAX Enroute 0202
FDX178 KMIA KLAX Enroute 2353
ANZ6 NZAA KLAX Enroute 2240
UAL220 KORD KLAX Enroute 0228
THY9 LTFM KLAX Enroute 1600
MSR182 KJFK KLAX Departing
GEC8074 EDDF KLAX Enroute 1603
VOZ1017 YSSY KLAX Departing

Los Angeles (SoCal) 26

Departures (4)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL541 KSAN KJFK Enroute 1745
DAL729 KSAN KATL Enroute 1808
FDX1839 KSAN KOAK Enroute 0601
FTF4225 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1600

Arrivals (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL899 KJFK KSAN Enroute 0115
UAL705 EHAM KSAN Enroute 0630

San Diego (SoCal) 6

Departures (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
ACL1141 KSNA KORD Enroute 1600

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
FDX131 KPDX KSNA Enroute 0534

Coast (SoCal) 2

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
AAL2880 KORD KPSP Enroute 0131

Palm Springs (SoCal) 1

Departures (2)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL1672 KLAS KSLC Enroute 0130
CLX39 KLAS KMIA Enroute 1600

Arrivals (6)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
DAL2261 KMSP KLAS Enroute 0154
NKS1068 KSEA KLAS Enroute 1030
DAL3479 KDEN KLAS Enroute 0105
DAL1356 KLAX KLAS Enroute 0031
DAL1660 KLAX KLAS Enroute 1600
FTF4225 KSAN KLAS Enroute 1600

Las Vegas 8

Arrivals (1)

Callsign Dep Arr Status ETA
KLM55H KSFO KSBA Enroute 1600

Santa Barbara 1
  • Flights To/From ZLA: 44
  • Flights in ZLA Airspace: 14
  • Controller Schedule

    December 21st, 2024

    Socal Approach (West)
    Jovan Brooks

    Session with NC

    1800 - 1930 PST / 0200 - 0330 Zulu

    Visiting and Transfer Controller Policy

    2024-04-17 2.30 Facility Advisory Board

    1. PURPOSE
    This Policy establishes criteria for Visiting and Transferring Controllers in the Los Angeles ARTCC.

    The Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for this Policy is the ZLA Facility Advisory Board. This Policy shall be maintained, revised, updated or cancelled by the ZLA Facility Advisory Board or any organization that supersedes, replaces or assumes the FAB responsibilities. Any suggestions for modification/amendment to this Policy should be sent to the FAB for review.

    This Policy pertains to individuals seeking entry into the ZLA ARTCC as "Visiting Controller," or transferring from other ARTCCs.

    The Los Angeles ARTCC wishes to maintain a concise roster of respectful, highly-motivated, well-trained, and experienced controllers. VATSIM has authorized each ARTCC to develop a policy, consistent with VATSIM policy, pertaining to "Visiting Controllers" and transfers into its ARTCC.


    1. The following rules shall apply to individuals who are not members of the ZLA Controller Staff, and who are seeking privileges as a ZLA "Visiting Controller," or seeking to transfer into the Los Angeles ARTCC:
      1. The Visiting/Transfer Controller must be in good standing in their ARTCC of origin.
      2. Prospective visiting controllers must be aware that ZLA's training services to visitors are limited to familiarization with its airspace and local procedures only; teaching general controlling techniques, phraseology, etc. is the responsibility of a controller's home ARTCC.
      3. ZLA may, at the discretion of the ATM or TA, refer the Visiting Controller to their home ARTCC for remedial training if they lacks the basic skills necessary to control the airspace.
      4. The Visiting/Transfer Controller must comply with the ZLA Position Restrictions SOP.
      5. The Visiting/Transfer Controller wishing to plug in to any ZLA position designated as Tier 1 or Tier 2 must complete the requisite endorsement checkouts.
      6. Individuals holding the rating of "Instructor" in their previous/home ARTCC shall not use this rating in ZLA, and shall instead connect with their rating before becoming an instructor when acting as Visiting/Transfer Controller in ZLA ARTCC.
      7. All individuals must meet the criteria to obtain ZLA Operating Initials within 30 days following application for Visiting Controller privileges in ZLA, or transfer into ZLA.
    2. Individuals who wish to obtain privileges as "Visiting Controller" within the Los Angeles ARTCC shall take the following steps, in order, prior to plugging into any control position in ZLA:
      1. The candidate must complete the SOP Familiarity Course.
      2. The candidate must fill out an application from the Become a Visitor page on the ZLA Website.
      3. Study the ZLA Policies and Procedures.
      4. Study the ZLA Position Restrictions Table.
      5. If desiring to work Tier 1 and Tier 2 positions, use the training calendar to request endorsement checkouts.
      6. Obtain Operate Initials through the SOP Familiarity Course